2/7/24 Dream

Phil Siemens
5 min readFeb 7, 2024

On Thursday it will have been 2 years since my dad died. I just woke up from a dream I had of him, I haven’t had a dream about him since he died.

The dream I had was crazy. I can’t remember it perfectly, it seems like the craziest jam-packed dreams are the hardest to retell, so I’ll stick with the moments I can remember. I was on vacation and was staying at this old run-down house. I met a woman and four men who ended up chasing me all around and terrorizing me, it was awful.

The chase ended with me being chased into a giant tower and inside a tiny room filled with gears and engine machinery. I was rescued by the authorities via helicopter. We made it safely back to my vacation rental and were met by my wife Annie.

We went to bed and woke up at 2:45 AM and our kids were with us now. Outside it was snowing, which was unusual because we were in Florida. It was also light out. My kids and I were so excited to collect these giant snowflakes that were scattered across the yard outside. We went downstairs and Annie came in through the door holding a bunch of the snowflakes and telling us to come back out and collect more with her.

We went outside and the kids went with Annie to the other side of the house, which was kind of like a two-story tall lookout tower. It was small and square and windows surrounded it. I was on the other side of the house and met a super-tall man his super-tall wife, and his very rich-looking adult children. He explained to me that this was his house and then he invited us over to his huge…

