Day 137: Notes

Phil Siemens
2 min readJan 25, 2024

(Rough Draft)

When it snows in places it normally does not snow, people have a tendency to lose their bearings. A few years back it snowed in Atlanta Georgia and the entire freeway system shut down, people just got up and left their vehicles right there in the road and walked home. It only snowed a couple of inches. I do understand why people freak out whenever this happens. It’s difficult to drive in the snow especially if you are driving a rear-wheel drive car with regular tires.

I remember when I got married my wife moved up to Idaho where I lived. She was from Florida and had never driven in the snow. She moved up in the middle of January and it was a very snowy winter that year. I spent the entire season teaching her how to correct the car whenever it slid out of control. How to warm up her key so that it would melt the ice that had built up in the car door lock. The best and quickest way to defrost the windshield, and a marred of other winter driving tips. She hated driving in the winter, and still might to a certain degree.

The reason I bring all of this up is because life sometimes comes at us in unexpected ways, and it’s difficult to make heads or tales of it. I know that a lot of you who are watching this right now have had a few curve balls thrown at you over the last few years, it seems like we all have. The pandemic and Covid were a ship carrying with it too many hardships to count. I know more people who’ve gotten divorced, died, and lost their faith over the last three years than I did in the previous ten. It’s a…

