Day 139: The Ruler

Phil Siemens
2 min readJan 27, 2024

(Rough Draft)

In every man there lives a ruler who is trying to control the body and mind of the vessel in which it dwells. Sometimes there are more than one ruler who dwell in the same body and mind. Sometimes there is a ruler who dwells in the body and another that dwells in the mind. If the ruler who lives in the body is bad, but the one in the mind is good, the one in the mind will eventually be worn down and beaten by the body. If the one in the mind is bad and the one in the body is good, the same will happen. But if both the mind and body’s rulers are on the same page they will become one, both good or both bad, they will merge into one single ruler.

When a ruler in the body is bad, it might manifest itself in ways that are obvious to the outside world. Maybe the ruler is an addict and can’t stop drinking, maybe the ruler is a masochist and loves pain, and so he ruins his own kingdom. Brick by brick and bone by bone he destroys what is his.

If the ruler of the mind is evil he will dwell on horrible things. He will spend his waking hours poisoning the rivers of nerves and synopsis filling them with thoughts of evil and harm. He will focus on other people and compare himself. He will put down others and fill himself with pride and arrogance. He will do this so much, that eventually the mind will even dwell on these things as it sleeps. Once lovely dreams will become a nightmare filled with fear and anxiety.

If you have an evil ruler dwelling inside you, it’s imperative to change him into…

