Day 140: Brittle Valley Road

Phil Siemens
2 min readJan 29, 2024

(Rough Draft)

The man was at the tail end of his travels, and was only about an hour away from his destination for the night. His trip was for business purposes and he had to meet with a client early the next morning to discuss a contract for a deal he was trying to close. The scheduled time to meet was 7AM sharp at his client’s office where they would be meeting with the heads of the various departments at the firm.

He rounded a corner and found himself driving down a pitch black road, the lights on his car didn’t seem to offer enough illumination so he opted to turn on his brights. The extra light revealed a tunnel-like canopy of trees and spanish moss that gave the road a haunted feeling. He traveled at around 45 MPH and would sustain this speed on this same road until he hit his hotel in about an hour.

He had not been in this part of the world, and it charmed him. He was from up north where the trees stand tall and the woods are less wild. He noticed how thick the surrounding vegetation was and was weary of deer or small creatures protruding from the woods unannounced. The last thing he needed was a car accident and an insurance claim to file, he was there to do business, and wanted to keep his mind focused.

He ran through the pitch deck he had created for the client in his mind, making sure to remember the little nuances that made this deal a sure fire thing. His mind began to wander onto more personal matters. He thought about the fight he had with his girlfriend before leaving…

