Day 142: Work

Phil Siemens
3 min readJan 30, 2024

(Rough Draft)

We all work. Some of us work for fun, some of us work because we have to. Actually, scratch that, we all work because we have to. I’m excluding the top 1% of the world who’s families are so rich they never have to work and choose not to. All of us have to work. Why? Because work is how we survive physically and mentally. It regulates our otherwise insane emotions, and it gives us somewhat of a sense of purpose.

Now, don’t get this sense of purpose conflated with the purpose of life, this is a different thing. If you ask me the purpose of life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. But again, this is another topic I will discuss in another piece of writing at some point in the future.

Work, as far as doing something with your mind and with your body in order to produce an outcome to get you ahead in life give you a sense of purpose. Work is always transactional. If you do yard work, you will be rewarded with a lovely landscape to view. If you work with your dad on his vintage car, you will be rewarded with getting to drive in that car someday. If you work for a big company, like Microsoft, you will be rewarded with a large base salary, bonuses, and stock options. If you work for Spindrift, I imagine you will be rewarded with a salary and free flavored water. Which is a pretty great benefit, I imagine.

Now the purpose we get from these jobs is built into us. We were created to work, to build, to think, to use our hands. On the flip side, we were also built to consume. Consume food, consume…

