Day 143: The Push

Phil Siemens
3 min readJan 31, 2024

(Rough Draft)

Eric and Sadie had been dating for 6 months and were on their 6 month anniversary date. They were in their sophomore year of college at the University of Illinois and were both studying to be biology majors. Eric had dreams of becoming a physical therapist and Sadie wanted to become a family practice doctor. Their date was going well.

Sadie was worried leading up to the date that Eric was going to be late picking her up. He was almost always on time, but for some reason she thought he would be late tonight. They had reservations at one of the nicest restaurants in town and were going to go for a drive after dinner out around a nearby lake. Eric had it all planned out, and was promptly on time to pick her up.

They had dinner at the restaurant, she ordered the crab, and he ordered the duck. Their meals were fantastic and they ordered a bottle of wine but only drank about half of it. They took the other half of the bottle to go. They got into Eric’s car and began driving out toward the lake where Eric told Sadie he was going to show her something. She thought he might propose, after all he did just meet her parents, and Eric and her father John had spent a lot of quality one-on-one time talking. She didn’t know what they talked about but she thought that maybe Eric asked her father for his permission to ask her to marry him.

They arrived at the lake just as the sun was setting and found a little spot along the shore. Eric pulled out a backpack from the back of the car and they walked…

